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Lamine Bodian

Lamine Bodian, associate professor at the University Cheikh Anta Diop in Dakar, Senegal, stayed from October 2018 to January 2019 at the Chair of African Linguistics II (Prof. Dymitr Ibriszimow) as a DAAD research fellow.

He received his PhD in African Linguistics from the Goethe University Frankfurt with a dissertation on the morphosyntax of Gunyaamolo a variety of the Atlantic language Bainuk spoken in the Casamance (published 2017). His main research domain is the morphosyntax and the phonology of Atlantic languages, especially Bainuk and Joola languages.

He also worked on the inventory of Joola languages in Guinea. At present, he is involved in a project whose goal is the inventory and mapping of Joola languages in Guinea-Bissau and Casamance.

In Bayreuth, Lamine Bodian gave a lecture about the Advanced Tongue Root feature in Joola varieties and the assimilation processes in which it plays a role. Providing explanations, examples and exercises on the complex phenomenon of ART vowel harmony, he also made a valuable contribution in a seminar on phonetics and phonology of African languages.

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