Team > Gratien Atindogbé

Gratien Gualbert Atindogbé
(Guest of the IAS from February 15th to May 14th 2018)
Gratien G. Atindogbé is Associate Professor of Linguistics at the University of Buea where he is also involved in academic administration as the Vice-Dean in charge of Studies and Students’ Affairs. He obtained a PhD in African Linguistics from the University of Bayreuth, Germany, in 1996. His research interests cover descriptive linguistics, documentation of endangered languages, historical linguistics (Bantu), tonology, Cameroon Pidgin English, intercultural communication, French sociolinguistics and Cameroon Sign Language (CSL).
He was project leader in the documentation of two endangered languages of Cameroon,
funded by the Volkswagen Foundation, and is currently a key member of the project
KPAAM-CAM (Key pluridisciplinary advances in African multilingualism, Cameroon)
initiated by Jeff Good and Pier Paolo Di Carlo, and funded by United States National Science Foundation (NSF). He has a sounding record of publications which includes monographs, co-edited volumes, book chapters and articles in international, regional and national peer-reviewed journals. He is also a permanent reviewer for many accredited journals. In 2012 and in 2015 Prof Atindogbé was a visiting research fellow at the Graduate School of Asian and African Area Studies at Kyoto University, Japan.

Gratien Atindogbé
Faculty of Arts, University of Buea
For more information, please contact Prof Gratien Atindogbé: or Dr. Rémi Tchokothe: