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Albert Kasanda
Albert Kasanda

Albert Kasanda

Albert Kasanda was a BIGSAS visiting professor in June-August 2017. During his stay in Bayreuth, he participated in the conference “The Future of Governance in Africa: Limits, Challenges and Opportunities for Participatory Citizenship”, organised by the BIGSAS work group ‘Governance in Africa’, and gave two lectures. The first paper focused on African Activism and social protests by young people and the second on the African Intercultural Philosophy, e.g. the relationship between cultures in the context of the African experience. Kasanda praised the library of the University of Bayreuth where he spent a lot of time. He also finished a manuscript about witchcraft in Africa. Currently, he works at the Centre for Global Studies, Institute of Philosophy of the Czech Academy of Sciences in Prague, Czech Republic. He studied Political and General Philosophy at the University of Louvain in Belgium and did his PhD on the American philosopher John Rawls and his Theory of Justice. Kasanda also spent two years in Mexico where he worked as a teacher and a translator from Spanish to French, e.g. for the works of Enrique Dussel.

NAB XVII, 2017, p. 53

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