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Team > Emiliano Minerba

Emiliano Minerba Emiliano Minerba
Emiliano Minerba

Faculty of Languages & Literatures
African Linguistics I

He has studied Arabic and Swahili at the University of Naples „L‘Orientale“, up to the M.A. in Sciences of Languages, History and Culture of the Mediterranean and the Islamic Countries, achieved in October 2017. Actually he is carrying out a PhD research in cotutelle between the University of Naples „L‘Orientale“ and the University of Bayreuth. The main focus of his research is the history of the metrical systems developed in Swahili and Wolof classical literatures, and the analysis of their several similarities derived in both cases from the influence of Arabic language and culture.

Besides Wolof and classical Swahili poetry, his other research interests concern modern Swahili poetry and theatre, especially the works of Farouk Topan and Ebrahim Hussein.

Geographical area:

Tanzania, Kenya, Senegal

Academic Vita

March 2019 

Teaching experience in an intensive course of Swahili language (40 hours overall) at the University of Bayreuth
February -  March 2018
Teaching experience in two intensive courses of Swahili language (80 hours overall) at the University of Bayreuth 



Shairi gani na amri gani? Poetry and characterization in Topan’s Mfalme Juha

05-07 Oct 2018

V ASAI (Associazione per gli Studi Africani in Italia) Conference PluralAfrica. Politica, saperi e dinamiche sociali nel tempo e nello spazio, University of Bologna. Presentation: “Oltre la morale identitaria: la commedia Chi ha provato il Paradiso di F. Topan”

31 May - 01 Jun 2018

Ngoma na Vailini: The Worlds of Swahili Poetry III, University of Naples “L’Orientale”. Presentation: “Shairi gani na amri gani? Poetry and characterization in Topan’s Mfalme Juha”

31 May - 01 Jun 2017

Ngoma na Vailini: the Worlds of Swahili Poetry II, University of Naples “L’Orientale”. Presentation: “Sema kwa dhati yako: ushairi katika Mashetani ya Ebrahim Hussein”

26-28 May 2017

XXX Swahili Colloquium Mahusiano! Lugha na fasihi katika maingiliano - Languages and literatures in interface, University of Bayreuth. Presentation: “Ubaya wangu hausemeki: dhana ya Unheimliche ya Freud katika Mashetani ya Ebrahim Hussein”

Emiliano Minerba

Faculty of Languages & Literatures
African Linguistics I

Research interests:

Swahili classical poetry; Wolof classical poetry; Swahili modern literature

Emiliano Minerba

Faculty of Languages & Literatures
African Linguistics I

Emiliano Minerba
Phd Student

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